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Endorsed by the People The community members listed below are the lifeblood of Teddy's campaign. Want to add your name? Send us a note and we will add your name as a supporter. Organizational affiliations are for identification only and do not imply organizational endorsement. Oregon League of Conservation Voters (OLCV) Sierra Club NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon Bike Walk Vote SMART Transportation Oregon Governor Barbara Roberts Secretary of State Bill Bradbury State Senator Arnie Roblan, former Speaker of the House State Senator Chris Edwards State Senator Rod Monroe State Senator Laurie Monnes Anderson State Senator Bill Morrisette State Senator Charlie Ringo State Senator Dick Springer, represented part of HD42 State Senator Elizabeth Steiner Hayward State Senator Joanne Verger State Representative Jeff Barker State Representative Brent Barton State Representative Chris Beck State Representative Lew Frederick State Representative George Eighmey for HD42 State Representative Chris Gorsek State Representative Mitch Greenlick Speaker of the House Dave Hunt State Representative Greg Matthews State Representative Jeff Reardon State Representative Chuck Riley State Representative Jefferson Smith State Representative Suzanne VanOrman Commissioner Nick Fish Mayor Tom Potter Metro Councilor Shirley Craddick Portland Public Schools Board member and Executive Director of the Native American Youth and Family Center Matt Morton Reynolds School Board Director Diego Hernandez Parkrose School Board member Thuy Tran Clackamas County Commissioner Jim Bernard Allen Field, Co-chair, Richmond Neighborhood Association Jordan Lanz, Board Member, Richmond Neighborhood Association Sue Pearce, Chair, Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood Development David Kaplan, Treasurer, Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood Development Marilee Tillstrom, Board Member, Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood Development Susan Bender-Phelps, Washington County Democrats Chair Larry Skidmore, Clackamas County Democrats Chair Meredith Wood Smith, former Chair, Democratic Party of Oregon KC Hanson, former Chair, Multnomah County Democrats Gavin White, former Chair, Multnomah County Democrats Tim Rowan, Chair, Third Congressional District Democratic Party David Delk, President, Alliance for Democracy Joan Horton, Vice-President, Alliance for Democracy, Portland Ken Otto, Chair, Board for Fish Emergency Services Judy Alley, Executive Director, SnowCap Community Charities Lee Barrett, former Chair, Association of Oregon Recyclers John DeVoe, leading advocate for water issues Jonathan Poisner, leading enviromental advocate Carl Wolfson, progressive radio host Ted Gleichman, Chair, Sierra Club Columbia Group Charlie Adams Andy Albright Emily Ashworth Allison Bader Anno Ballard Bill Ballard Gina Ballard Linda Bard T.A. Barnhart James Barta Tina Baskin Joe Bazeghi Kelcey Beardsley Vivian Beer Lynne Beiderman Dara Berger Michael Biesanz Tina Bissett Sam Blackman Wendy Blum Mary Lou Boice Robin Boyce Cole Brecheen Steve Brennan Scott Bricker Jennifer Briggs Lis Bothwell Trudie Brooks Harold Brown Marlee Brown Roma Brown Nita Brueggeman Ron Buel Theo Burke Beth Burns Katen Bush Caitlin Campbell Dennis Chang Nadia Chantry Sarah Chenven Judy Chilcutt Matt Christensen Nathan Cogan Tom Coleman Barb Comstock Kevin Considine Erin Cooley Jesse Cornett Ron Cummings Fran Daggett Wanda Davis David DeFauw Mike Delman Brickson Diamond Brandon Doughan Garrett Downen Sho Dozono Keith Dubanevich Nick Dupree Mary Jo Durand John Eccles Autumn Edwards Cheryl Ellis Charles Ensign Paul Erickson Sean Esbjorn-Hargens Linda Ethier Rachel Fox Jeanne Francis Jim Freed Greg Freeman Jules Garza Lise Gervais Mark Gharst Peter Gibb Paula Gilmer Purcell Rev. Dr. Max E. Glenn Jimmy Go Norman Goetz Cliff Goldman Michaela Gore Ken Graber Julane Grant Richard Gray Rev. Marie Soward Green Mike Guerette Rex Hagans Dewey Hamilton Jeff Hanneson David Hansen Bill Harris Brandon Harris-Ankerich Rebecca Harrison Brian Harvey Ken Hayes Jil Heimensen Bill Hoelzer Mary Rita Hurley Ed Hurtley Ivy Ingram Veena Iyengar Jay Jaacks Eric Jenson Susan Jenson Anne Johnson Brita Johnson Kellie Johnson Vicki Johnson Brian Jones George Karnezis Kristine Karnezis Tom Karwaki Lewis Keizer Justin Kerr Sarah Kohler Andrew Koyaanisqatsi Jason Ladwig Alan Laird George Laird Heather Laird Scott Lake Paul Lambert Robert Landau Jerry Larson Cindy Layport Nicole Lefor David Levine Jennifer Lewis Ken Lewis Ted Lilejehon Chris Lindgren Patti Littlehales Todd Lofgren Jess Lord Don MacGillivray Chris Mader Peter Mahr Dena Marshall Garrett Martin Emily Maruna Marychris Mass Annette Mattson Mike Mauer Sharon Maxwell David May Elizabeth McBreen Ricky McBreen, III Jim McCarthy Heather McDaniel Patricia McDonald Doug McKenzie Chris McKee Jean McNamara Bill McConnell Carla McKelvey James McLaughlin Jon McWilliams Rob Melton Peter Miller Max Milligan Dave Moldal Floyd Montiel Dana Moore Kevin Moore Kelly Morris John Muenchrath John Mulvey Hilary Nally Scott Nasburg Luis Nava Kathleen Newman Evan Nichols Rick North Andrea Nuneviller Stephanie Nystrom Kim O'Neill Dennis O'Quinn David Oates Gary Obermeyer Karen Oehler Rob Orr Vicki Osis Steve Packer Blaine Palmer Cam Parry Mark Pengilly Andie Petkus Hannah Pingree Darrel Plant Kerry Pioske Scott Pope Verna Porter Julie Poust Don Powell Mac Prichard Jim Pritchard Teressa Raiford Janet Range Annette Redmond Ellen Regal Peter Reinke Flauren Ricketts Katie Riley Jan Robinson Roman Robinson Scott Robinson Lurelle Robbins Jon Roschke Moses Ross Johna Rossetto Emily Roth Sam Sappington Betsy Sandbo Steve Sander VJ Sathyaraj Ethan Scarl Michelle Schaffer Karen Schouten Chelsea Schmidt Ralph Schmoldt Phil Seder Julianna Seldon Janine Settelmeyer Joel Shapiro Gerald Shaw Doug Sherman Dan Sherwood Todd Shields Lynn Siprelle Nick Sky Cynthia Smith Joe Smith Katy Smith Kristie Smith Shannon Souza Scott Spaan David Spencer Anne Stacey Theresa Stankovik Greg Steele Jim Stinson Sue Stinson Ann Sulzer Sarah Swanson Eric Swehla Kevin Tabor Niki Terzieff Mary Thamann Valerie Thibeau Becky Tooley Karel Tracy Karen Thrift Alex Tinker Harold Treinen Anne Upshaw Banks Upshaw, II Banks Upshaw, III Garth Upshaw Lauren Upshaw Lorraine Van Hoe Stephanie Vardavas Daniel Vazquez Ann von Ofenheim Cal Walsh Guy Watts Brighton West Kat West Jim White Bill Wiest Nancy Wilder Emma Williams Greg Williams Lori Williams Carol White Crista Whittington Bing Wong Mark Workhoven Leila Wrathall Geoff Wyatt Kevin Yeager Helen Ying |
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Paid for and authorized by the
Friends of Teddy Keizer
1615 SE 30th Ave | Portland, OR 97214
phone 503-621-8372 | email info@GoTeddyGo.com